vifanord Congress Calendar

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TitleLocationFirst dayLast day
 Women Travel Writers in Northern Europe during the Long‍ Nineteenth Century 📚 🎭🇫🇷 Mulhouse, France2025-02-272025-02-28
 Klarspråk 2025 💬🇫🇮 Online, Finland2025-03-272025-03-28
 Svenska språkets historia 18 💬🇸🇪 Uppsala, Sweden2025-05-082025-05-09
 The 16th Annual International Conference on Baltic and Nordic Studies 📚 📰 🎭🇷🇴 Sibiu, Romania2025-05-082025-05-09
 French-speaking Association for Nordic Studies’ 6th biennial conference 📜 📰 🎭🇧🇪 Mons, Belgium2025-05-192025-05-21
 18. Konference om Leksikografi i Norden & Nordisk Sprogmøde 2025 💬🇩🇰 Vejle, Denmark2025-05-212025-05-23
 Svenskans beskrivning 40 💬🇸🇪 Stockholm, Sweden2025-05-262025-05-28
 NHM 2025 – Det 31. Nordiske Historikermøde 📜🇮🇸 Reykjavík, Iceland2025-08-132025-08-15
 Constructions in the Nordics (CxGN 4) 💬🇩🇪 Berlin, Germany2025-09-152025-09-16